Threaded Uno Lamp Shade
Quality Parchment LampShades
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Songbird Bridge Lamp Shades are a cheery addition to brass and iron floor lamps. Dramatically hued birds, finches, blue birds, and wood thrushes beautifully adorn the crisp white background. Every-other panel proudly showcases a different songbird.
Our Parchment Lampshades are expertly crafted and very difficult to make. Each requires skillful craftsmanship, attention to detail and many hours of hand-work to create. The process starts by stabilizing the parchment paper with hard white buckram. This is a coarse linen lining that provides added strength to each lampshade panel. The tedious work is then attaching the parchment to a hand-crafted, rust resistant metal frame. Once assembled gold binding is applied by hand, accenting the individual patterns displayed on each panel. Made in America
Compatibility between Bridge Lamp-shade and Lamp-socket
- Uno-threads, on new and old lamp sockets, can vary slightly.
- Most sockets and shades will thread together, however occasionally the threading on some sockets is not compatible.
- To insure compatibility, between threads on uno lamp shade and threads on. uno socket, it is best to purchase socket and lamp shade together.
Install: Parchment Lamp Shades for Bridge Lamps
Uno lampshades are used on lamps where shade hangs down from a lamp-arm. They are referred to as bridge lamp shades.
- Bridge lamp shades have a 1-1/4" threaded ring at top center of shade.
- Lamp requires a uno threaded socket.
- Attach shade to lamp by screwing: threaded shade ring onto uno threaded lamp socket.
- Socket-switch is at top of shade for easy access.
- Socket-swivel enables positioning of uno lampshades. Light is easily directed downward onto task surface.